Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Pay it Forward

And no I don't mean the schmaltzy yet touching film starring Haley Joel Osment, I mean instead the guy who has restored my faith in human nature. You see we were unable to get a van to move our stuff from "stupid landlady's" to "great new place" and so having run out of options I resorted to the English language radio station here in an effort to find a "man with a van" to help us move what was an unconscionably large amount of stuff to have accumulated in less than a year. Well the radio station took pity on me and made an announcement to the effect that I was pathetic and needed help.....in less than 5 minutes I had a call from a guy who said he could help....... So the following evening he turned up at the appointed time to help shift all our stuff and it turned out he had in fact been at work all day, had shot home and picked up his wife's people carrier, removed the seats and dashed to help us! Now in this day and age you just don't expect that, and he would take no more than a few beers bought after the moving and lugging in exchange for his help.....the catch being that I now have to "pay it forward" (see the link now.)

But yes we have finally moved out of the lunatic appartment to one that came with fresh clean paint, an oven that works and laundry system that indeed functions. Not that it was without hiccups....or is entirely complete in all senses yet...we have another load of more "stuff" (we must get a handle on our stuff addiction) coming over at the end of the month, and then yet more soon after. In the meanwhile we have begun to buy shelves for all this "stuff" and I may even consider becoming adept at using ebay to shift some of the stuff!

Thankfully the radio station that made the appeal for me has not made any appeals recently that I felt I could do justice, but as soon as all this "stuff" (even you are getting tired of it now) is dealt with and packed away I shall be looking to restore someone else's faith in human nature.....

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